Saturday, February 19, 2011

5 Best Mozilla Firefox Skins To Customize Your Browser

Firefox has long been the head of the Mozilla browser family and it remains the prime rival for Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. Up until now the release of Google’s Chrome was a rather insignificant episode in the browser war.
What makes Firefox so popular? Back in the days it hit a nerve with geeks by letting them create, add and share their own content: extensions and themes. It was the start of Web 2.0 and the fascination soon caught on with the general crowd.
If you’re using Firefox, I hope you can appreciate the freedom it provides. One is that you can express your style with custom Mozilla Firefox skins. Here are 15 of the best. Dig in!

Black Steel(3.0 – 3.6a1pre)

A dark metal theme with sharp contrasts. It will definitely draw attention.


Silvermel is silver, shiny and quite unobtrusive. The transparent effect for tabs is awesome.

Daum Blue

This Mozilla Firefox skin is not revolutionary, but it has a fresh look with nicely designed tabs. If you keep on reading you’ll see that I’m a little obsessed with pretty tabs.  


Anthem is a very stylish template in dark and light grey. I love the look of the tabs. The icons are exceptional and they’re smaller than with most themes, which saves space and gives more room for browsing. This one is my new personal favorite.

Scribblies Plain

A playful theme for your kids or the kid in you. Gotta love the icons in the navigation toolbar. Also the tabs are quite original. Definitely something different!

What Is Ethical Hacking ?

Ethical hacking, often performed by white hats or skilled computer experts, is the use of programming skills to determine vulnerabilities in computer systems. While the non-ethical hacker or black hat exploits these vulnerabilities for mischief, personal gain or other reasons, the ethical hacker evaluates them, points them out, and may suggest changes to systems that make them less likely to be penetrated by black hats. White hats can work in a variety of ways. Many companies utilize ethical hacking services from consultants or full-time employees to keep their systems and information as secure as possible.
The work of ethical hacking is still considered hacking because it uses knowledge of computer systems in an attempt to in some way penetrate them or crash them. This work is ethical because it is performed to increase the safety of the computer systems. It’s reasoned that if a white hat can somehow break the security protocols of a system, so can a black hat. Thus, the goal of ethical hacking is to determine how to break in or create mischief with the present programs running, but only at the request of the company that owns the system and specifically to prevent others from attacking it.
People enter the field of ethical hacking in a variety of ways. Many people are very computer savvy and many, but not all, have an educational background in computer science. In some instances, the white hat has gained his or her experience by first being a black hat.
If black hat hacking was at a sufficiently criminal level, the black hat turned white hat may have served jail time before resuming a career in a more productive and positive way as an ethical hacker. The computer world is peopled with former black hats, who now hold ethical hacking jobs. Conversely, some white hats, such as Steve Wozniak, never committed any illegal acts, but simply possess the know-how and skills to analyze problems with any computer system.
With increasing use of the Internet and concerns about its security, especially when it comes to things like consumer information or private medical details, there is considerable need for computer experts to work in ethical hacking. Even sites owned by organizations like the US government have been hacked in the past, and concern about information theft remains incredibly high. Designing impenetrable systems or identifying the current weaknesses of a system are vital parts of keeping the Internet safe and information private, and even with the present legion of ethical hackers that perform this work, there is still more work to do. 
Those with interest in the field of ethical hacking often acquire a lot of their skills on their own, and many have particular talent with and affinity for computers. Some knowledge can also be acquired through formal education in computer programming. This work requires creativity, and the ethical hacker must be able to think outside of the box, coming up with as many possible ways as he or she can derive, a system might be encroached upon by black hats.

Proxy anonymity.

The exchange of information in Internet is made by the “client - server” model. A client sends a request (what files he needs) and a server sends a reply (required files). For close cooperation (full understanding) between a client and a server the client sends additional information about itself: a version and a name of an operating system, configuration of a browser (including its name and version) etc. This information can be necessary for the server in order to know which web-page should be given (open) to the client. There are different variants of web-pages for different configurations of browsers. However, as long as web-pages do not usually depend on browsers, it makes sense to hide this information from the web-server.
What information transmits to a web-server (by a browser or proxy server):
  • a name and a version of an operating system
  • a name and a version of a browser
  • configuration of a browser (display resolution, color depth, java / javascript support, etc.)
  • IP-address of a client
  • Other information
The most important part of such information (and absolutely needless for a web-server) is information about IP-address. Using your IP it is possible to know about you the following:
  • a country where you are from
  • a city
  • your provider’s name and e-mail
  • your physical address
Information, transmitted by a client to a server is available (accessible) for a server as environment variables. Every information unit is a value of some variable. If any information unit is not transmitted, then corresponding variable will be empty (its value will be undetermined).
These are some environment variables:
REMOTE_ADDR – IP address of a client
HTTP_VIA – if it is not empty, then a proxy is used. Value is an address (or several addresses) of a proxy server, this variable is added by a proxy server itself if you use one.
HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR – if it is not empty, then a proxy is used. Value is a real IP address of a client (your IP), this variable is also added by a proxy server if you use one.
HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE – what language is used in browser (what language a page should be displayed in).
HTTP_USER_AGENT – so called “a user’s agent”. For most browsers this is Mozilla. Furthermore, browser’s name and version (e.g. MSIE 5.5) and an operating system (e.g. Windows 98) is also mentioned here.
HTTP_HOST – is a web server’s name
This is a small part of environment variables. In fact there are much more of them (DOCUMENT_ROOT, HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING, HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL, HTTP_CONNECTION, SERVER_ADDR, SERVER_SOFTWARE, SERVER_PROTOCOL, ...). Their quantity can depend on settings of both a server and a client.
These are examples of variable values:
HTTP_USER_AGENT = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98)
HTTP_VIA = (Squid/2.4.STABLE7)
Anonymity at work in Internet is determined by what environment variables “hide” from a web-server.
If a proxy server is not used, then environment variables look in the following way:
HTTP_VIA = not determined
HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR = not determined
According to how environment variables “hided” by proxy servers, there are several types of proxies.

Transparent Proxies

They do not hide information about your IP address:
HTTP_VIA = proxy IP
The function of such proxy servers is not the improvement of your anonymity in Internet. Their purpose is information cashing, organization of joint access to Internet of several computers, etc.

Anonymous Proxies

All proxy servers, that hide a client’s IP address in any way are called anonymous proxies.

Simple Anonymous Proxies

These proxy servers do not hide a fact that a proxy is used, however they replace your IP with its own:
HTTP_VIA = proxy IP
These proxies are the most widespread among other anonymous proxy servers.

Distorting Proxies

As well as simple anonymous proxy servers these proxies do not hide the fact that a proxy server is used. However a client’s IP address (your IP address) is replaced with another (arbitrary, random) IP:
HTTP_VIA = proxy IP
HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR = random IP address

High Anonymity Proxies (Elite proxies)

These proxy servers are called “high anonymity proxy” or "elite proxy". In contrast to other types of anonymity proxy servers they hide a fact of using a proxy:
HTTP_VIA = not determined
HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR = not determined
That means that values of variables are the same as if proxy is not used, with the exception of one very important thing – proxy IP is used instead of your IP address.


Depending on purposes there are transparent and anonymity proxies. However, remember, using proxy servers you hide only your IP from a web-server, but other information (about browser configuration) is accessible!

20 iPhone tips for iPhone 4s Tutorial: Simple iPhone 4 and iOS4 tips and tricks.

The iPhone 4's operating system represents a significant improvement on earlier versions of Apple's smartphone operating system. It's also got a new name - iOS - signifying the importance of the iPad alongside the iPhone.
And what's more, iOS 4 is available to users of the iPhone 3GS, third-gen iPod touch and 3G too (albeit with limited features with the latter). iOS 4 will be available for the iPad later in the year.
We've delved right under the hood of the new iPhone to bring you 20 tips for all those iPhone 4s out there.

1. Lock the screen orientation
If you're lying in bed reading an iBook or a page in Safari it can be annoying when the iPhone's orientation keeps flicking between portrait and landscape. You can solve this by activating the new Portrait Lock. Double tap the Home button to reveal all the running apps, then swipe your finger to the right to reveal iPod controls and the Portrait Lock.
2. Tap to focus/zoom in Camera
The iPhone 4's new 5 megapixel camera has a fantastic digital zoom. But to activate it you first need to focus on an object – like a face, for example, in your view. Do this by simply tapping anywhere on the screen. A white square will appear showing you the object that the iPhone is focused on. A zoom bar will also appear, which you can use to zoom into the object you've picked.
3. Multitasking: update your apps
Multitasking is one of the big new features of iOS4, but while all Apple's apps (like Calculator and iPod) are compatible, all third party apps will need to be upgraded to properly multitask. So, you'll need to head to the App Store app on your phone, then visit the Updates section to download a update for each app. This can take a while, but don't forget, the App Store app also multitasks (as it always has), so double tap the Home button to get back to it to save time after selecting each update. There's also a handy "Update all" button to tap.
4. Switch to UK English
If you're getting annoyed that your iPhone thinks colour should be spelt without a 'u' it's because you've got English (US) selected. You can easily switch back to English (UK) for spell checking by tapping the globe button next to the space bar in any app that brings up the soft keyboard (like Mail or Notes). This toggles your iPhone between English (UK) and English (US).
5. Multitasking: kill a running app
After you've been using your iPhone for a while double-tap the Home button to see how many apps you have running - it will be more than you think! Normally you just let the iPhone decide how many it can keep running at once, but you can take matters into your own hands by killing running apps here. Just tap and hold on a running app and a "-" button appears against all of them. Tap this to kill the app.
6. Add an accent on the e and a key
It's possible to quickly add a variety of accents to the letters "e" and "a" when typing on the iPhone's keyboard. Just tap and hold on either key to reveal more options, like "é".
7. Turn caps lock on
If you want to change your typing to capital letters all the time, rather than just for the next letter, then double-tap on the Shift key on the iPhone's keyboard. It will now turn blue, indicating caps lock is on. Just tap it again to turn it off.
8. Camera: take a picture of yourself
The iPhone 4 has a front and rear-facing camera. The rear-facing camera is the high quality 5 megapixel one, and the front facing camera (used mainly for FaceTime video chat) is lower VGA resolution. This means it's now easy to take a picture of yourself (something that was pretty difficult on the previous iPhone models). In the Camera app just tap the Switch button at the top right to change cameras from rear to front.
9. Camera: email a video of yourself talking
You can also use the forward facing camera for recording video, and the iPhone 4's second microphone means it works well capturing anything you say too. In the Camera app tap the switch icon (as in tip 8) then change to video mode using the slider and record a video of yourself talking. Now select it in the Camera roll then tap the Forward icon and select Email Video - job done!
10. Make and rename folders
Organising your apps is so much easier on iPhones running iOS4. Just tap and drag apps on top of each other and you create intelligently named folders. You can rename the folder names Apple chooses though - just tap and hold on an app to make them wiggle, then tap on the folder name and start typing.
11. Make a FaceTime call
When they first get an iPhone 4 a lot of people start looking for the FaceTime app to make video calls. Actually, there's no FaceTime app! To make a video call you simply make a regular call, then tap the FaceTime button in the Phone application. At the moment FaceTime is only available between iPhone 4 users on Wi-Fi. We would expect more compatibility going forward, as the FaceTime technologies are being ratified as an open standard.
12. Hide Caller ID
It's possible to hide your Caller ID when making calls on your iPhone. In the Settings app tap on Phone, then tap on Show My Caller ID and turn it to OFF. (Incidentally, if you ever forget your phone number, you'll find it in here too).
13. Restrict features
If you've brought an iPhone for your kids to use you might want to restrict some options, like the iTunes store and the App Store, for instance. You can also restrict the ability to watch age-rated content. In the Settings app click on General then Restrictions to turn this feature on and choose what you'd like to restrict.
14. Delete a text from the text history
The iPhone Messages app records a history of all your text messages, like an instant message conversation. You can selectively delete old texts though. In Messages tap the Edit button at the top of the screen and then tap the radio button next to the offending text and tap Delete.
15. Watch live TV on your iPhone
Not an iOS 4 tip per se, but you can turn your iPhone into TV thanks to the mobile version of the great TVCatchup website. You need to register, but the service is completely free, and even works over 3G as well as Wi-Fi.
16. iMovie and photos
Apple's iMovie for iPhone 4 app means you can edit movies on your phone. Obviously it lacks the depth of the full iMovie for the Mac, but considering it runs on a phone it's very impressive. You can also add photos to your movie projects with a Ken Burns effect. One useful tip is to create an album of all the photos you plan to add to the project because otherwise you have to search through your camera roll, and for every photo you insert you have to start back at the beginning of the roll.
17. Show PDFs
iBooks for iPhone can display PDF files as well as ebooks (as in the image below). To upload a PDF to your iPhone you have to use iTunes. First drag and drop your PDF file into your iTunes library, then when you sync your iPhone look in the Books tab. Here you'll find options for uploading the PDF. Once you've done that look in the iBooks app and a new PDF tab will have appeared.

18. Get better reception
Apple's statement that there's a fault with the way the iPhone displays signal strength, which will be fixed by a future software update, is all very well, but people are still losing signal when gripping the iPhone 4 in a way that covers the gap between the metal bands at the bottom left of the phone. iPhone Bumpers (£25, from Apple), or in fact any third party case that covers the outside edge of the phone will solve the problem, since they prevent your skin from contacting the metal antenna.
19. Turn on SMS character count
A nice little update in the iOS 4 software is the ability to turn on a character count in the Messages app. You'll find the option in Settings/Messages. Now you'll be able to keep your overly long text messages in check!
20. Search more with Spotlight
The Spotlight search has been enhanced significantly in iOS 4. Swipe right from the Home screen to activate it. You'll notice that it now searches more things, including text messages in the Messages app. But if you keep scrolling down the list of results you'll notice two new options at the bottom of the screen – Search Web and Search Wikipedia. These are handy links that open up Safari automatically and start searching for you.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

How to install Installous using cydia ?

I will give you some detailed instruction's on how to install Installous using cydia and download cracked application directly on your iphone.

Follow these Step's to install installous on your Iphone:

1: Open up cydia on your Iphone.
2: Click manage tab.
3: Now click sources tab.
4: Click on edit and then add.
5: Write there and click add source.
6: Now when your url is verified and repo is added to your cydia click on
7: Now find Installous in it install it on your iphone and enjoy.
8: If you want to sync cracked application's from your computer to iphone then you need to find app sync from sources.
9: If you are running firmware 4.1 then install App sync 4.0+.

That's it enjoy playing games and do whatever with your iphone. Have any problem's leave a comment here.

Iphone 3gs Firmware 4.1 Carrier Unlock and Jailbreak.

The long awaiting firmware for Iphone 3gs user's has been unlocked and jailbreaked by the most known Iphone hacker "GEOHOT" all credit's goes to him. Limera1n is the new software that can jailbreak iphone 3gs 4.1 to install cydia and then carrier unlock the iphone. Download Limera1n here.

After downloading Limera1n. You can download the firmware from this website Download Firmware.
Remember you can only download the firmware from this website using SAFARI browser if you don't use safari browser the firmware will be downloaded in zip format but we need that firmware in .ipsw format.
After downloading firmware you have to restore your iphone 3gs to firmware 4.1 using itunes. Now follow these simple step's.

Restoring Iphone to 4.1:

1: Connect your iphone to your computer.
2: Press power button and then slide to turn off your iphone.
3: Now press power and home button both at once and keep it pressing for about 10 seconds or when the apple logo comes on screen.
4: Now release the power button and keep pressing the home button until the itunes pop up and say that your iphone is in DFU mode.
5: Now your itunes must have popped up and said that your iphone is in DFU mode you can restore your iphone now.
6: Now press SHIFT key and left mouse click both at once on the restore button in itunes a screen will pop up to browse the firmware into itunes.
7: Now itunes will verify your firmware and install the firmware into your iphone when it is done disconnect your iphone connect your iphone again.

Jailbreaking Iphone using Limera1n:
1: Connect your Iphone and run Limera1n on your computer.
2: Click the button make it ra1n.
3: Follow steps again on limera1n to activate DFU mode on your Iphone.
4: When your iphone is in DFU mode limera1n will do it's work now.
5: A green rain drop will appear on your Iphone and a screen will pop up on your computer screen saying that your Iphone has been jailbreaked.
6: Restart your Iphone and slide your springboard if you see an icon of limera1n on your springboard then congrat's your Iphone has been jailbreaked by limera1n.
7: I know the limera1n icon will be white on your springboard don't worry about that it will come to it's original state soon.

Installing Cydia Using Limera1n And Unlocking Your Iphone 3gs 4.1:

1: Now open  Limera1n on your Iphone there you will see an icon saying install cydia.
2: Just click on that wait for Limera1n and cydia do it's work.
3: After your cydia has been finished downloading and installing open up cydia for the first time.
4: Cydia will make some change's to your iphone automatically and will restart your springboard.
5: Open up cydia again goto manage tab click on source's then click on edit and then click on add.
6: Now write and select add url.
7: Now it will verify the url and add the repo to your cydia after adding the repo.
8: Click on in sources you will see ultrasn0w there install it.
9: After installing restart your Iphone to make change's happen now see your Iphone has been carrier unlocked using cydia and ultrasn0w.
Happy Jailbreaking and Enjoy your new and cracked iphone app's on your iphone.
Got any kind of problem with Jailbreaking or Unlocking carrier of your iphone 3gs leave a comment here.